domenica 8 maggio 2011

Beth is moving in your city!! ...If you want her.

Ciao a tutti!! *_* Mi è stato chiesto (non qui ovviamente) di mettere scaricabile la mia Beth...ebbene, eccola qui!! *_* 

Hi, everyone! (....) They asked me (not here), to make Beth downloadable...well, here she is!! *_*

I suoi tratti sono: Amichevole, Senso dell'umorismo, Snob, Animale da Festa e Abile a baciare :D

Her traits are: Friendly, Sense of humour, Snob, Party animal and Great Kisser :D

Beth, per me, è un po' come la versione sim di Barbie: Mi diverto a "pasticciare" e a cambiarle look in continuazione...e di solito i risultati sono buoni XD 

Spero vi piaccia, siate buoni con lei!!!

Beth, for me, is like a sim version of Barbie: I have lots of fun messing up with her look...and results are usually good!! XD
Hope you'll like her, be kind with her!!

And...enjoy *-*

She comes with deafult content, so check the links below! :D
Killer Lipstick by Shyne, here
The other lipstick (the one she wears in the first picture) is from M&T Sims here.

AS USUAL, I USED DEAFULT SKIN!!! XD It looks better on her, don't you think??

L'eyeliner è di TSR, ma non riesco a caricare la pagina adesso, editerò con il link il più presto possibile XD

Eyeliner is from TSR, but I'm not able to load the page at the moment, I'll edit with the link as soon as possible!!


These are the three hairstyles she always wears!!

First is Newsea Ballet retextured by Lotus, and you can found it here.

The second is Newsea Lola, retextured by Lotus too, and you can found it here.

The third hairstyle is Anto 32 conversion by Savio and you can found it heeeeere. (OMG was it supposed to be a Lady GaGa hairstyle? Didn't know xD)

Non redistribuire. Se volete usarla come modella per foto o "attrice" per video, siete pregati di chiedermelo prima.
Do not redistribute. If you want to use her as model for your pics, or "actress" for machinima videos, please ask me first.

sabato 30 aprile 2011

Beth's wallpapers for mobile phones

Click on the image below to download 3 wallpapers for your cellphone! The images size is 640x960 ^^

Nobody's following me but I have fun uploading things. I'm quite pathetic, right? T_T

...Bye bye, see you (...) soon :D



giovedì 28 aprile 2011

My girls!

Here they are! They're my testimonials. They're five for now, but I expect to have lots of new entries soon.

(sto scrivendo a vuoto perchè nessuno mi segue, spero che presto la cosa cambi D:)

Yoriko is the oldest and she's been my first model. She's japanese (Captain Obvious??)

Beth is the youngest...some people think she looks like a pig, others think she's a little angel. I prefer the second option, guess why xD

Carys has a welsh name, and pretty big eyes. And..I don't know what to say, then °-° 

Cory is Beth's housemate. She sometimes behaves weird.

Eleanor is my last creation. She's very serious and polite. Poor thing.

Now you know them.

One of them will soon be downloadable, stay tuned! 

Byyyye *-* I love you all, inexistent followers *-*

Some avatars, to start ^^

Ciaao *O* Quando ho aperto questo blog, non intendevo solo postare immagini, ma anche rendere disponibili avatars, wallpapers per il cellulare e tante altre cosette...
Ed ecco qui alcuni avatar che ho creato ad hoc, giusto per iniziare :D enjoy :D
Hello!! When I created this blog, I didn't just mean to post pictures and sims, I also meant to share avatars, mobile phone wallpapers and more...So here you are some avatars I created, just to start...enjoy :D

domenica 24 aprile 2011

Sono di nuovo qua xDD So che nessuno sta leggendo ma vabbè u.u voglio solo lasciare il link della mia pagina koinup...qui:

(That's my koinup page ^^)

Ehm...hola °-°

Buonsalve. °w° allora, questo è il primissimo post del blog! Interessante u.u l'ho aperto perchè.......°__°

Perchè?? O_o Fondamentalmente per mostrare al mondo le mie cavolate simmose, rendere scaricabile -forse- qualcuna delle mie creature e....condividere pensieri e altre cose senza senso.
Scriverò i post a tema simmoso in italiano e inglese, così se qualche malcapitato di lingua straniera passasse di qua, sarebbe in grado di leggere tutta la robaccia che scrivo! XD naa scherzo u.u comunque, spero di capire presto come sistemare il layout e rendere l'aspetto del blog un po' più decente e poi partirò con le mie cavolate xD

Besos a todos!


Good-hello °w° so, this is my first blog post! Interesting u.u I created this blog because.....°__°

Why? O_o Basically, to show the world (...) my simmies, maybe to make some of them downloadable, and...sharing my thoughts and other things that don't make sense at all. :D
I'll write sim-themed posts in both italian and english, so if some foreigners would pass here, they'd understand all of the rubbish I write! xD No, kidding u.u however, I hope to understand how to fix a layout and make the blog's look a little more decent, and then I'll start with all my bullshit :D I'm sorry for my non-perfect english, but you know, it's rusty xD

Besos a todos!!
